BDN Case Study – Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Every now and again, we take the time to share stories from our business that highlight the quality of our work. We’re the experts in technical staffing, here’s why:

Problem: A large pharmaceutical client in New England came to Black Diamond because they were building a new facility and needed both quality and validation engineers to retrofit a new facility and install and validate our client’s newly acquired equipment. Our client lacked the internal resources and bringing on new full-time employees was not a good solution since the client would not have the work for them once this project was completed. The project was inherently time-sensitive and the client didn’t have the time or desire to vet and interview 50 potential applicants to fill the 20 roles necessary to get the job done on time.


Solution: Black Diamond approached this client with a solution to their problem. With our extensive network of highly experienced and vetted quality and validation professionals in the local area who were qualified for the job. With the addition of technical consultants, our client was able to open their new facility and quickly ramp up production. Likewise, our consultants were able to hit the ground running and provide immediate value through their presence.


At Black Diamond Networks, we can handle all the details and heavy lifting for the client. With a pre-screened network of contract professionals and robust back-office capabilities, we’re able to remove the headaches from the consulting process that are common with many staffing firms. We take the time to screen and narrow down the pool of candidates based on the specific criteria dictated by our clients. We handle all of the logistics from the initial project scope through final interviews and beyond. And it doesn’t stop once your consultants have started. Our client services team is available as your single point of contact throughout the duration of your consulting need.


Finally, should there be an unforeseen issues Black Diamond has the resources to immediately send a replacement candidate to bridge the gap. Additionally, if a project gets extended past the initial ending date, Black Diamond will ensure you have access to contractors that can stay on the project until it is completed should your initial contractor be unavailable.



With the ability to find qualified candidates in hours or days instead of weeks our client was able to start their project two months earlier than previously expected. With a network of expert contractors who are used to ramping up quickly onto new projects, contractors were onboarded and began work on the project 4 weeks ahead of when full-time candidates would have been able to start. In all, Black Diamond was able to save our client over $500,000 over the life of the project by providing contractors at more competitive rates than their previous national vendor.

Ready to experience the “Diamond Difference”?

If you’re looking for the best technical talent, you’re on the right path. Whether your project is small and you only need one consultant or you have a massive project requiring 20, Black Diamond Networks has your back. To learn more about our services offerings, visit us at or drop us a line at

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